Thursday, October 4, 2012

All things new and lovely

Where to begin??? We were on the front page of the Three Rivers Edition a few weeks ago (so awesome, in case you were wondering)! We received wonderful response from it. The article led to us expanding our email list and drop off to Batesville. We tried out the Searcy drop last Saturday and it went great. Our regular customers are hilarious. The farm has turned green again with the fall crop growing daily.

We took in a homeless kitty from a friend. Meet Elliot.

Jeans and jackets have made a reappearance into farm fashion. (so adorable, that one!)

Oh and then there is all the new veggies! (mustard greens, komatsuna, red komatsuna, and arugula)

I'm going to miss spending almost every waking moment with my "Abercrombie Jesus" when I resume full time employment but eventually, I'll get to be at the farm full time everyday...