Thursday, February 28, 2013

Haven't seen me around here in a while...

I have a confession to make: I loathe winter. Oddly enough, though, I don’t mind the occasional snow but I hate being cold and cannot stand the lack of sun. It’s also pretty boring on the farm. When the days get really short and cold, nothing wants to grow. Needless to say, it is a dreadful time of year around the farm or just in general. Oh, and to make it worse, any work on the farm that needs to be done in preparation for the spring season has to be done in 30 degree with the wind blowing 30 mph. Onions have been planted and covered multiple times to protect them from frost and freezing rain. There is also baby kale and lettuce in the ground wrapped up nice and tight under row cover (which is really difficult to maneuver in the wind; it's like a giant sail). All of it is necessary for the spring season to be bountiful but I would prefer if I could do everything in the high tunnel. Don’t get me wrong, I still like being out on the farm with Bran. It’s not very stressful and there is no dress code. Mother Nature just didn't seem to get the memo from Punxsutawney Phil that we are supposed to have an early spring. To add insult to injury, the sun is shining while I type this and in a few minutes I have to get up and go to a real job (not horrible but I won't be soaking up the sun). Ok, I’m done complaining for today. I do have faith the weather will eventually get better, I promise (please, Mother Nature, hurry up and cooperate, I am begging and pleading). Here are a few things that are going on around here:

 Early Tomatoes!!!
 Onions in the ground an waiting on row cover
Itty bitty Swiss Chard