Monday, August 6, 2012

Seeds, Dirt, and Rain

 It looks and feels like spring around the farm lately. There has been lots of sitting inside starting seeds and transplanting seedlings. The babies are so cute but having to sit still for a few hours to plant them is, um, tedious. This American Life keeps us company though.

There have been random pop up showers that last a few minutes then go away (although we are not complaining).

The Indian corn, which was given to us by a lovely customer, is starting to make cobs.

Oh, and yesterday, Bran had a great idea as to how we can bottom water more than just one tray of seedlings at a time which has been the chosen method. (Which also takes FOREVER, in case you were wondering.) A couple of old cattle feed troughs waters 10 trays in no time. There are many more troughs in the field that are probably going to end up scattered around the farm housing lettuce.

It still feels foreign to be excited about these sorts of things. I got up at 5:30 this morning to make sure orders were ready to be sent with my wonderful sister to her work. I am not a morning person, my parents can confirm this, but there I was 6 a.m. at the farm putting veggies in bags for customers. And tomorrow I'll be up at dawn's early light to pick some more veggies for the afternoon market. It's funny how people evolve. Peace be with you. Eat local and often :)